Sep 13, 2011


It’s time for all the couch playing rugger huggers to get out and join Hout Bay’s real Sportsmen and Women in the Cape’s greatest (and noisiest) event. However, this year the race could end up with a Stand-up Battle for supremacy.

For the first time stand-up paddlers (SUPs) will be testing their prowess on the water against our Surfskiers. All will start from the beach on separate measured courses which will compare time wise with the expected first runner i.e. +/- 30mins. So a runner, surfskier or SU paddler could win! All will start from the same gun fired by our good friends the Cape Field Artillery who will start this heritage sporting event once again with a historic 25pounder gun with Hout Bay’s Artillerymen standing by. The best place to see the action will be at the beach where we should have enough parking for all. Leave your pets at home – bring the kids and see a great spectacle.

In remembrance of Sept 1795 when Hout Bay's Artillerymen won the day!

Hout Bay's Great Annual Challenge will soon be with us so diarise it now!
One of the Worlds Iconic Sporting Events - The Pamplona Bulls Run, the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race and:-

The annual fun race will take place on HERITAGE DAY.

Sat 24th Sept.
Start Gun at 10:00
Race registration from 08:15 on the Beach (Chappies End)
As ever, our good friends, the Cape Field Artillery, will be calling (and firing) the shots.
Runners:- Colin Balderson 083 274 2017
Surfskiers:- Johann van Blerck 083 253 7425
Stand-up Paddlers :- Juliette Ball 082 4284374

Jun 9, 2011

4 locals join the worldwide movement and “Paddle for the Planet”

Four Hout Bay locals; Brent Lacey, Juliette Ball, Paul Templeton and Robin Richards took to the water to “Paddle for the Planet”. “Paddle for the Planet” is a worldwide movement to create awareness for the environment especially about the terrible things that are happening in the Ocean we use daily. The paddle was held across the world 8am on World Environment Day, Sunday the 5 June 2011.

The team behind it all want all paddlers to be aware of what’s going on in our oceans and want to create an opportunity to make a difference. They want to allow all paddlers the opportunity to help.

Paddle for the Planet’s aim is to support Marine conservation. As it grows we endeavor to support all kinds of Marine Conservation but for this year and the next we are going to raise funds for a marine reserve in Raja Ampat, Indonesia and keep it protected. Each year we want to grow this idea branching out further and further as more paddlers get involved keeping more and more waters protected.

Interesting facts to be aware of

• Each year, three times as much rubbish is dumped into the world’s oceans as the weight of fish caught. (

• 32% of the world’s fisheries are overexploited, depleted or recovering, which threatens the health, economy, and livelihoods of communities all over the world. The global fishing fleet is estimated to be 250% larger than needed to catch what the ocean can sustainably produce. (

• Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. Finning is the inhumane practice of hacking off the shark’s fins and throwing its still living body back into the sea. The sharks either starve to death, are eaten alive by other fish, or drown (if they are not in constant movement their gills cannot extract oxygen from the water). Shark fins are being “harvested” in ever greater numbers to feed the growing demand for shark fin soup, an Asian “delicacy”. (

If you are interested to find out more please do look up; and join the Facebook group (search Paddle for the Planet).

Paul Templeton (of DTS), Brent Lacey, Juliette Ball (of DTS) and Robin Richards all paddle for the planet

Nov 8, 2010

PBO registered!!!

Development Through Sport is a registered PBO

Season has begun

We have started our season again with some fantastic swimming every thursday evening!

Working on getting all the children fit and ready for the Llandudno Lifesaving season!
Rebecca Newson has taken on the challenge and is really enjoying learning about the different personalities and is getting alot out of the children while they are at training!

What a great start to the season :)

Jun 13, 2010

Development Through Sport- looking forward to SUMMER!

Summer is on its way and we are looking forward to another successful season with the growth of our various programs and hopefully more sustainable sponsorship on the way!

If any of you have any further ideas to help with this PLEASE do let us know!

Enjoy the Soccer World Cup - the unity is amazing!

May 10, 2010

Llandudno Mile - Sentinal Article

Llandudno Mile a HUGE HIT!

Thank you for all the support!

We raised R2700 for Llandudno Lifesaving Development Nippers!
Another swim is in the planning for later this year, as soon as the weather turns a little bit!

Presently we are finalising the NPO status and following this the Tax Benefit Status for all companies wanting to get involved!
We will also be looking at other ways to raise funds for this organisation!

Please contact us at if you have any ideas!

Apr 13, 2010

Our Hout Bay Swimmers showing some amazing talent. . .

Our 3rd Llandudno mile is almost upon us. . .

These swims raise funds for our group of development lifesavers; many are still learning to swim but with the help of fundraising we are positive we can uplift the lives of many more children and give them opportunities they might not have otherwise.

Unfortunately we have had to postpone this week due to huge swell forecast by and have been advised to rather keep the swimmers safe than risk their lives.
Llandudno is a tricky beach and when the swell is large the ocean can become quite dangerous.

We really hope that you will all make the swim on the 25th April, one week before the CADIZ FREEDOM SWIM - although you should be tapering, one last swim can only help :) Especially in the cold and sometimes more tricky Llandudno Waters!

Registered AT LAST

We have FINALLY been registered -  078- 069 NPO

We have a swimming partnership with Ellerton School in Sea Point area, and have been able to raise R2000 for the school swimming pool which is going into fixing the pump. We love helping schools like this and hope to raise much more money to help grow the sporting side for the children!

If you ever have anything to donate (sports equipment) or time or money please feel free to contact us on

Oct 15, 2009


We will be hosting another open water swim to raise funds for the lifesavers from Imizamo Yethu at Llandudno Beach end of November- details to follow in the next couple of keep checking the blog for more information!!!

DTS is also looking at raising some funds for the swimming lessons as we need to transport the children from the school to the pool- if you would like to donate please ask us for the Development Through Sport Banking details.

Development Through Sport thanks Anton Hugo!!!

Anton Hugo does not only share his passion for swimming with us but also his passion to help our kids! Thanks for being so kind and organising new swimming costumes, caps etc worth 5600 ZAR for the new season for the kids! They will love the new stuff!!!

Oct 13, 2009

Start of Swimming Season - Teachers needed!!!

Swimming season is upon us- open water and pool swimming! The swimming program in town is starting on the 19 October every monday from 9-1pm with classes every 30minutes for the children of Prestwich School! Will be awesome!!!
If you are keen to join us for this as volunteer swimming teachers please feel free to contact Development Through Sport!!!

Kids from Imizamu Yethu

Kids from Imizamu Yethu